Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Ambit

i choose my words,

my vacuous worlds,

my nomadic thoughts,

my mundane happiness,

my homeless dreams,

my ambiguous paths,

my lost love,

my unkempt desires,

some abdicated times,

some blissful moments,

i choose them all

and many more...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


standing in the courtroom,
against the feeling of love,
i was building castle of clouds,
as i could hear the crowd.

i was just another victim,
seeking adjudication.

love was smiling
as if cherishing the moment
i was subtle
likes of torment.

the judge came,heeded and announced;
love was the requisitor
to all those novice inquisitor
failing my indefinite claim

he was free again to deceive,
slaying the expectations.

he is brutish divine,
disguised under the fine.
cozening is his aim,
ideal at playing mind's game.

i might sound a little weird
but this fight between us is still on.
we stab each other
and remain the best enemies.
thats how i stand obdurate
with a stony heart in this field.


Creative Commons License
Poet Of Minutes** by Nidhi Sharma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at